Safeguarding Adults
In June 2024, Reference to the document in Local Resources changed the name from Safeguarding and the Management of Allegations Against Staff who hold a Position of Trust, to Managing concerns around People in Position of Trust.
Use the links below to access sections of the Care Act 2014 resource for information about the legal requirements of all safeguarding under the Act.
See: Identifying and Reporting Abuse and Neglect, which is part of the larger Care Act 2014 resource.
To raise a concern about an adult:
Tel: 01642 771500
Tel: 01642 524552
Online: Report Abuse.
If you are concerned that an adult is in imminent danger from abuse or neglect, or that a criminal act has taken place you should contact the police by dialing 999.
To raise a concern about a child:
Tel: 01642 130700
If you are concerned that a child is in imminent danger from abuse or neglect, or that a criminal act has taken place you should contact the police by dialing 999.
The remit of the Safeguarding Adults Team is to manage the majority of safeguarding activity where possible, however, it is accepted that on occasions due to volume and capacity safeguarding activity may be allocated outside of the safeguarding team.
Our Inter-Agency Safeguarding Adults Procedure sets out specifically how the Local Authority works with other organisations in the area, such as the police and the ICB to fulfil the requirements of the Care Act, including how they:
- Prevent and protect adults at risk from abuse;
- Empower and support adults to make their own choices;
- Investigate actual (or suspected) abuse or neglect; and
- Support adults who are at risk of, or experiencing abuse or neglect.
A range of safeguarding practice guidance and resources can be found on the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board website.
See: Information & Guidance.
There may also be additional information in the Local Resources section.
For example, the:
- Safeguarding Adults Team Roles and Responsibilities Practitioner Guide;
- Safeguarding Flowchart;
- RCBC Modern Slavery Pathway Procedure; and
- Managing concerns around People in Position of Trust.
Along with neighbouring boroughs, Redcar & Cleveland is part of the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board. The Board provides a statutory function under the Care Act 2014.
See the Safeguarding Adults Board section of The Care Act 2014 and find out more about:
- The aim of Safeguarding Adults Boards;
- Their role and statutory duties;
- When boards must carry out a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR).
For further information about our Safeguarding Adults Board, see Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board.
Last Updated: December 6, 2024